I’m Back and Sexier Than Ever
In the last month I have been able to get the COVID vaccine. While I was in the process of getting the shots I was playing it super safe; it made no sense to get this far for the vaccine to finally come out just to take a risk of getting the disease between doses.
Now with the vaccination completed, I plan to return to “normal” life. This Thursday I’ll be performing at Smörgåsbord at the Mudville Music Room. I love Smörg; it’s a show I used to host and hope to host again in the near future.
I’ll still be social distancing and wearing a mask where possible, but at this point, if you and I are both going out in public to a comedy show, I can say I’ve done what I need to do to protect both of us to a reasonable degree.
At Smörg I plan to talk about failing to pleasure my girlfriend, some thoughts about COVID, and Forensic Files.
Hope to see you there!